David Calhoun
Landscape and travel photography
Japan Gallery

Framed Garden View
In this garden pavillion I came across an elderly Japanese man who showed me a small wooden porthole to look through to reveal the above view, perhaps a composition dreamed up through the eyes of some long gone architect.
Through the language barrier the man explained it was intended to be a place to perfectly frame the scene, and conseqently a good spot for photographers. Though this means my photo is one of many with this exact framing, I have still really enjoyed it.
Hamarikyu Gardens, Tokyo, Japan. April 2015.
浜離宮 東京 2015年4月

Night Glow at Kiyomizudera
A special spring night illumination of the temple. A beam of light is projected into the sky above the city, guiding residents and tourists to the magical display.
Kiyomizudera, Kyoto, Japan. April 2016.
清水寺 京都 2016年4月

Festival on the Kamogawa at Magic Hour
I am very grateful I spent a summer in Kyoto long ago, being aimless and thinking I was unhappy, and only looking back I realized this was one of the happier experiences of my life. To attempt to recapture the feeling I had there, I returned to Kyoto a few more times, but it's impossible to relive it.
Sometimes I also think of the pretty girl in a kimono, prepping backstage for a dance with her dance troupe, who saw me taking pictures and smiled such a great smile. I sometimes think about that girl and how her life must have changed so much since then. I'm probably now the only one who remembers that moment, preserving the memory.
A nostalgic English poem expresses some of thee nostalgic feelings:
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
Kamogawa River, Kyoto, Japan. August 2011 during Tanabata (Star Festival)
鴨川 京都 2011年8月 七夕

Bridge to Kansai Airport
Bridge to Kansai International Airport, which carries both trains and motor vehicles.
This airport is like a bookend - the first and last part of many peoples' journeys in Japan.
This fantastic view was a bit of a surprise for me after checking into the Star Gate Hotel.
Izumisano, Osaka, Japan. March 2016.
泉佐野市 大阪 2011年3月

Bamboo forest night illumination
This specific area has become famous in its own rite, and is recognizable by many people who haven't set foot in Japan. Consequently it's usually very crowded here, especially during special illuminations such as this. But if you're willing to visit very early in the morning just as the light starts to filter in, it will help ensure that at least part of your visit will be more tranquil.
Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Kyoto, December 2012
嵐山 京都 2012年12月

Snow Falling On A Bike
When I was studying Japanese in Kyoto I lived in a student dorm. My classmate had been eagerly anticipating snow but was disappointed by mild winter. One day in February it finally happened - it started snowing! They knocked on my room's door to wake me up and let me know. We walked outside together and I took a few photos - before retreating back into my warm room.
Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan. February 2013.
左京区 京都 2013年2月

Traditional Japanese clothes at Aoi Matsuri
It's a joy to watch a traditional parade in Kyoto, even if it's hard to understand what's going on. This particular festival is great because of the large amount of space, making it not as claustrophobic as other events (like Gion Matsuri).
For this particular parade I learned a lot of great tips from the blog of Jeffrey Friedl, who is a Kyoto resident and happened to also work at Yahoo many years ago, like myself. I'm pretty sure I spotted him in the crowd with a very large lens.
Aoi Matsuri at Kyoto Imperial Palace, Kyoto, Japan. May 2013.
京都 2013年5月

Gasshō-zukuri (合掌造) minka home (民家). At this time of year the heat was still bearable, but things were starting to warm up for sure. I was pretty delighted to find the great symmetry and the asymmetry in this shot. Just imagine waking up and opening up your front door to this scene!
Shirakawa village, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. May 2016.
白川村 岐阜県 2016年5月